
Kandy Ostrosky
General Nonfiction
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- Member Since
Sep 2021
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- Born
31 July
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November 2021 winner of cover of the month on AllAuthor.
Kandy has been a nurse since 2012. Her love and passion for nursing and helping people created her desire to volunteer in underdeveloped countries.
From 2017-2019, she journaled her travel & volunteer trips. She volunteered as a nurse in Peru & Guatemala, with dogs in Jamaica & Mexico, and with children in Thailand & South Africa. In Sept 2021, she published her travel journals into a travelogue book, diary-entry style.
Her 2nd book will be published middle of April 2022. It is a true story of trauma and healing. Past trauma and loss comes flooding back when she is assaulted in 2020, which leaves her diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Follow Kandy on her healing journey. If you would like to be on her launch team, please sign up through her website